The Shiloh labor laws will be in effect when the land is settled with more then 10 Business. Ensuring equality before the law, accountability of officials and a fair and transparent legal process.
The Shiloh laws will be in effect when a person in on land claimed by Shiloh.
1. A person can not harm any other person or animal in a physical way.
1.5 If a person of non- citizenship threatens a cititazen with harm, the citiazen may use fores to stop the attack. This includes up to death, on the severity of attack.
2. A person will not steal any personal property from another person.
3. A person may not lie to an official
4. A person will not participate in anything that will harm the land or country/government.l
The monarch and crown prince or princess are not oblige to obey any citizen laws.
1. All lands are owned by the Royal Family of Miller's. Starting from the direct blood line of H.R.M. Queen Beverly Miller of Long Beach California US, daughter of William Earl Williams. and Ruth alta Williams with a maiden name of seydel, with the next monarch being H.R.M. King Timothy.
2. If more then one child is a live at the time the eligible parent becomes monarch, Parliament will choose between the children who is best for the country and will be the next inline for the crown. If only one child is a live this child will be next inline for the crown
3. The monarch must have the sir name of Miller
4. Insubordinate to the Monarch is forbidden in a professional setting
5. The ruling monarch will give permission to the prime minaster to set up a participate goverment in there name.
6. The monarch or ruling royal head of state has the right to veto all proposed new laws
7. Mockery of the monarch or royal is prohibited and is punishable up to exile
8. If the monarch or royal conjoins with a partner and is a full time relationship and official the partner with have the title of "status" consort. This person does not have divine authority. They will only have the authority the monarch or royal gives them. However this person will have the same protocol given to them as the monarch or royal
9. A member of the royal family my sit as head, vice head or council of any government created committee without being appointed or elected.
10. Adopted children of the monarch or ruling royal head of state can be considered for title and position of monarch.
* Employer may not discriminate against any persons regarding - Race, Age, Disability, Gender, Hair cut and Facial hair or color of hair, Body type,
* Employees are not able to form a labor union
* CEO or owner and board members of a company will only receive Up to 20% of gross company income up to $99,000,000. million. After the amount the CEO will only receive Up to 5%. per year
* All employees get 7 days off for holiday after 6 mouths, after 15 years of work employees get one more days every year through the fith year. after 20 years of work employees get two more days. This is on top ofthe days earn from time worked.
*Un-taken holidays can be carried over until the next year. up to 275 hurs.
* All job position needed must be in the advertisement with qualifications for the job. Qualifications must be relevant to the job.
* All beginning pay for a job position needed must be in the advertisement for the job
* A company can not ask for any college degree for a first level management position
* All pay increases must be a minimum of 5% rate or % of current inflation witch ever is higher of the employees current pay
* A first level management position must be payed double the average pay wage of the whole company for 35 hours minimum
* Employees for age 18 and above, min pay is $20.00 per hour, for all Employees of a company that employs a person outside of family
* Children at the age 0 to 5 may not work or be an employee
* Children at the age 6 to 12 may only work up to 10 hours per week. with a min pay of $5.00 per hour
* Children are to be under adult supervision while working at all times
* Employees for age 12 to 17, min pay is $12.15 per hour, for all companies that Employees a person outside of family
* Employees for age 12 to 17 may only work 6 hours a per day and must have three days off.
* Employees will be payed premium rate for all events outside of normal work assigned
* If a Employee call out from work with sick/PTO pay no points given and no reason will be asked
* A employer may not ask for a doctors note to return to work untill one month if the employee has sick/PTO pay
* Employees of a company that employs a person outside of family must have over 2/3 of Employees that work a 30 hours work week. Company that employs a person outside of family for one night entertainment jobs (gig workers) this law does not apply
* Any employee that works over 6 hours will be compensate at 1 and 1/2 of the hourly salary for up to 4 hours. Any employee that works over 10 hours will be compensate at double the hourly salary for the remaining time of work in a 24 hour period.
* All employees must have up to one day off a week. This law does not include gig workers
* On march 21th, employees for age 18 and above with 15 Employees, will be able to evaluate there direct superior on a yearly basis. If the superior receives a 80% disapproval rate the superior will be reduced two level in work status or my be removed from the company with in 3 days of tally information given. Employees valuation form must be email to the Shiloh labor board for tallying. Contact the labor board for further information
* Employees will have 10 hours between work shifts without a company compensation. If a Employee does not get the full 10 hours, the company will pay the the employee double the hourly rate for the hole shift
* Up to two employees in a 6 month period maybe terminated for any reason before the first 30 days
* Vacation request may not be denied if submitted 5 weeks before. for a min 20% of employees per day
* Bereavement is payed for up to 3 weeks and up to one mouth after with out pay
* Employees full time status will not be lowered if the Employee choose to change departments with in a company
* A point system will be put in to place in all company for absence, lates, etcetera.
Min piont system will incloud the below:
20 points per year given to Employees
-.5 for late for every 20 minute late
-1.5 point for a absence day
Two days no show / no call is termination.
the employer must call the Employee to see if everything is ok if the Employee does not call first
* Children may work from ages 3 days and older my work for no more then 6 hours and must have 3 days off.
* Children must attend school by interment provided by the parents of the children
* All persons must be provided water at any event or working.
* All persons must be provided snacks at any event or working 4 to 6 hours. With two 15 min brakes in a 8 hours time
* All persons must be provided lunch at any event or working between 4 and 5 hours. With 1/2 hour brake in a 8 hours time
*Live community Theater of non-payed workers must give minimum two 15 min brakes in a 8 hours time and 1/2 hour brake in a 8 hours time. with 2 hours in-between brakes.
* If the Live community Theater makes over $25,000.00 in net earning per year, non-payed work will be compensated no less the 25% of net earnings divided equally between non-payed workers.
* 20% tax will be placed on all sold items. Tax must be included in the price advertised
* Citizen of 2 years or more and age 16 may possess any type of firearm that have been registered with officials. This citizen is considered a person of the Shiloh Military and mush use the firearm for protection of the country when the official determine.
* Non-citizen may not have Firearms and weapons of any kind.
* Childern must volunteer for 120 days, from age 11 to 18 outside the family buziness. Does not have to consecutive. Each child will receive a note form the business after completion. if this is not completed by the time the child's 19 birthday, the child can not be offered a job till thay are 21.
* Age of consent is 16 years of age.
* Children at the age of attending school will be home schooled by the guardians of the child
* Children at the age 0 to 5 may not work or be an employee.
* Children at the age 6 to 12 may only work up to 10 hours per week.
* Children under the age of 11 may not be left in a public place alone with out a guardian of the child. A child maybe left with a person appointed by the guardian of the child.
* If a child is making sounds above normal speech, the child and family may be ask to leave the premises. If the premise is intended for Children to play this law does not apply.
* If a child brake or does something to cause damage to someone property the parents are liable till the child is 21 years of age.
* A person outside of friends and family my be film in a pubic place but not for the intent for show on social media. However my be shown to officials of the land for any reason.
* Crocs shoes are not allowed in public places. If broken there is a fine of $25.00 and Crocs will be clamed.
* Spiting phlegm is not allowed in public places. If broken there is a fine of $50.00
* shoes with open toes and no back strap (flip flops) will not be in pubic places outside of 100 feet of the sand of a beach.
* smoking in all public places is prohibited. This includes not not limited to Vaping and other smoke forming substances.
* A person may not ridicule another person in public places. This includes not not limited to about skin color, weight, Style, looks. This law does not apply to Comedy show.
* All person my be topless on the beach. Inside of 100 feet of the sand of a beach.
* All persons may eat off of any fruit that is in or hanging in a public places.
* Any religion practice of any kind will not be recognize by the country of Shiloh at anytime.
* Any religion practice of any kind may not be on display in public places.
* Religion gatherings my be held in personal (owned or rented by coordinator of event) homes or buildings. No hired help may be present.
* All citizen will have duel citizenship for one generation only.
* Only a Shiloh flag or a state flag and or any government flag or all will be flown in public area. Except when a visiting dignitary is visiting.
* No Shiloh flag or a state flag and or any government flag will be desecrated or aesthetically change in anyway. Except with permission from the ruling monarch.
* No other national / country flag will be sold in public areas.
* The flag should never be dipped to any person or thing, unless it is the ensign responding to a salute from a ship of a foreign nation.
* When a flag is so tattered that it no longer fits to serve as a symbol it should be replaced in a dignified manner, preferably by burning.
* The flag should never be used as a receptacle for receiving, holding, carrying, or delivering anything.
* The flag should never touch anything physically beneath it.
* The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds but always allowed to fall free.
* The flag may be used for patcches and lapel pins in its entirety.
* The flag should never be carried flat or horizontally.
* The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.
* The flag should never be upside down, except to signal distress or great danger
* Seller must have a permit to sale any food item in public area.
* Children may have a small stand to sell homemade items such as citrus drinks and baked goods on land there guardian rents with out a permit. Alcoholic beverage are prohibited.
* Community groups such as a woman's or men's club may sell homemade items such as citrus drinks and baked goods for fundraising on grounds they rent with out a permit. Alcoholic beverage are prohibited. Food for the fundraiser may not be on premises over 3 days. Gross profits may not exceed $5,000 per year.
* No artificial meat are to be used in any edible substance.
* Restaurants must have two industrial freezers and floor drainage.
* Vehicles have the right of way
* E-cart only will be used. for personal uses on island land
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